Like many other fantasy fans and authors, I shall be attending WorldCon, or AussieCon 4, in Melbourne from September 3-5.
If anyone is also going along, and is interested in catching one of the panels I am on, or attending a reading, a signing or a kaffeeklatsche (a small group chatting over coffee), here is my itinerary:
Friday Sept 3 at 5pm, Room 213: Six Years On An Island: Discussing the TV show Lost.
(Earlier this year I interviewed Jorge Garcia - Hurley - for The Sunday Telegraph TV Guide, s have some interesting information about this one)
Saturday September 4 at 10am, room 201 - book signing.
Sunday September 5: (this is the big day)
11am- Kaffeeklatsche
1pm - reading
2pm - Writing in the shadows of Adams and Pratchett
3pm - Crowns and swords, the worlds of fantasy and monarchy
4m - Where do elves come from? (Note, my next series, among other things, is a gentle send-up of elves in fantasy, so there might be some information revealed here - assuming, of course, that HarperCollins wants to publish it!)
I shall also be doing a few bookstore appearances around Melbourne on Friday and Saturday ... I'll post places and times later!